From WikiChip
$creq identifier - mIRC
< mirc‎ | identifiers

$creq returns the current parameter settings for DCC Chat requests.






askDCC Chat requests will popup an authorization window asking you whether you wish to accept or decline all incoming DCC Sends.

autoAll incoming DCC Chats will be automatically accepted.

ignoreAll incoming DCC Chats will be ignored.


Echo the current status of DCC Chats to the active window:

//echo -a $creq


Added: mIRC v5.4
Added on: 23 Jun 1998
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See also

v · d · e mIRC identifier list

$ $$, $, $0, $1-, $!, $&, $*, $+, $++, $?

A $abook, $abs, $acos, $active, $activecid, $activewid, $adate, $address, $addtok, $addtokcs, $agent, $agentname, $agentstat, $agentver, $alias, $and, $anick, $ansi2mirc, $aop, $appactive, $appstate, $asc, $asctime, $asin, $atan, $atan2, $auto, $avoice, $away, $awaymsg, $awaytime

B $banlist, $banmask, $base, $beta, $bfind, $bindip, $bitoff, $biton, $bits, $bnick, $bvar, $bytes

C $calc, $caller, $cancel, $cb, $cd, $ceil, $chan, $chanmodes, $channel, $chantypes, $chat, $chr, $cid, $clevel, $click, $cmdbox, $cmdline, $cnick, $color, $colour, $com, $comcall, $comchan, $comchar, $comerr, $compact, $compress, $comval, $cos, $cosh, $count, $countcs, $cr, $crc, $creq, $crlf, $ctime, $ctimer, $ctrlenter

D $date, $day, $daylight, $dbuh, $dbuw, $dccignore, $dccport, $dde, $ddename, $debug, $decode, $decompress, $deltok, $devent, $dialog, $did, $didreg, $didtok, $didwm, $dir, $disk, $dlevel, $dll, $dllcall, $dname, $dns, $donotdisturb, $dqwindow, $duration

E $ebeeps, $editbox, $email, $emailaddr, $encode, $envvar, $error, $eval, $evalnext, $event, $eventid, $eventparms, $exists, $exiting

F $false, $feof, $ferr, $fgetc, $file, $filename, $filtered, $find, $finddir, $finddirn, $findfile, $findfilen, $findtok, $findtokcs, $fline, $flinen, $floor, $font, $fopen, $fread, $fromeditbox, $fserv, $fserve, $fulladdress, $fulldate, $fullname, $fullscreen

G $get, $getdir, $getdot, $gettok, $gmt, $group

H $halted, $hash, $height, $hfile, $hfind, $hget, $highlight, $hmac $hmatch, $hnick, $host, $hotline, $hotlinepos, $hotlink, $hotp, $hregex, $hypot

I $iaddress, $ial, $ialchan, $ibl, $idle, $iel, $ifmatch, $ifmatch2, $ignore, $iif, $iil, $inellipse, $ini, $initopic, $inmidi, $inmode, $inmp3, $inpaste, $inpoly, $input, $inrect, $inroundrect, $insong, $insongpause, $instok, $int, $intersect, $inwave, $inwho, $ip, $iptype, $iql, $isadmin, $isalias, $isbit, $isdde, $isdir, $isfile, $isid, $islower, $istok, $istokcs, $isupper, $isutf

K $keychar, $keyrpt, $keyval, $knick

L $lactive, $lactivecid, $lactivewid, $left, $leftwin, $leftwincid, $leftwinwid, $len, $level, $lf, $line, $lines, $link, $lock, $locked, $lof, $log, $log10, $logdir, $logstamp, $logstampfmt, $longfn, $longip, $lower, $ltimer

M $maddress, $mask, $matchkey, $matchtok, $matchtokcs, $maxlenl, $maxlenm, $maxlens, $md5, $me, $menu, $menubar, $menucontext, $menutype, $mid, $mididir, $mircdir, $mircexe, $mircini, $mkfn, $mklogfn, $mknickfn, $mnick, $mode, $modefirst, $modelast, $modespl, $mouse, $mousecx, $mousecy, $mousedx, $mousedy, $mousekey, $mouselb, $mousex, $mousey, $mousewin, $mp3, $mp3dir, $msfile, $msgstamp, $msgtags

N $N, $naddress, $network, $newnick, $nhnick, $nick, $nickmode, $no, $nofile, $nopath, $nopnick, $noqt, $not, $notags, $notify, $null, $numeric, $numtok, $nvnick

O $ok, $online, $onlineserver, $onlinetotal $onpoly, $opnick, $or, $ord, $os

P $parmN, $parms, $parseline, $parsetype, $parseutf, $passivedcc, $pi, $pic, $play, $pnick, $portable, $portfree, $pos, $poscs, $prefix, $prop, $protect, $puttok

Q $qt, $query

R $r, $raddress, $rand, $rands, $rawbytes, $rawmsg, $read, $readini, $readn, $regbr, $regerrstr, $regex, $regml, $regmlex, $regsub, $regsubex, $remote, $remove, $removecs, $remtok, $remtokcs, $replace, $replacecs, $replacex, $replacexcs, $reptok, $reptokcs, $result, $rgb, $right, $rnick, $round

S $samepath, $scid, $scon, $script, $scriptdir, $scriptline, $sdir, $send, $server, $serverip, $servertarget, $sfile, $sha1, $sha256, $sha384, $sha512, $shortfn, $show, $signal, $sin, $sinh, $site, $sline, $snick, $snicks, $snotify, $sock, $sockbr, $sockerr, $sockname, $sorttok, $sorttokcs, $sound, $speak, $sqrt, $sreq, $ssl, $sslcertsha1, $sslcertsha256, $sslcertvalid, $ssldll, $ssllibdll, $sslready, $sslversion, $starting, $status, $str, $strip, $stripped, $style, $submenu, $switchbar, $sysdir

T $tan, $tanh, $target, $tempfn, $ticks, $time, $timeout, $timer, $timestamp, $timestampfmt, $timezone, $tip, $tips, $titlebar, $token, $toolbar, $topic, $totp, $treebar, $true, $trust

U $ulevel, $ulist, $unsafe, $upper, $uptime, $url, $usermode, $utfdecode, $utfencode

V $v1, $v2, $var, $vc, $vcmd, $vcmdstat, $vcmdver, $version, $vnick, $vol

W $wavedir, $wid, $width, $wildsite, $wildtok, $wildtokcs, $window, $wrap

X $xor

Y $yes

Z $zip

= =$nick