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$finddir Identifier - mIRC
< mirc‎ | identifiers

$finddir Searches the specified directory (and optionally its subdirectories) for the Nth directory matching the wildcard specification and returns the path if it is found.

Note: You can stop the $finddir search using /halt inside the command parameter, /halt won't halt the script execution in this case.


$finddir(dir, wildcard , N , [depth , [@window | command] ] )


  • DIR - Name of the starting folder name.
  • wildcard - directory being searched for. A list of folder names or wildcards seperated by a ';'.
  • N - Nth sequential directory being searched for. 0 is count of ALL directories.
  • depth - optional folder depth, counting DIR as the first level. 0 or 1 is DIR level only. If depth not used, there's no depth limit.
  • command - optional 5th parameter. Can use $finddirn as the sequential number for that directory, or $1- for directory. If the first token in the command is an identifier, $1- will hold the previous values it had and you can preevaluate $1- with $!1- to access the directory.
  • @window - optional 5th parameter. Must be window with side listbox created with -l switch. Each $1- from matching directories is appended as a new line to the side listbox. Is equivalent to: /aline -la @window $1-

Note: DIR can be absolute \path or c:\path or relative to $mircdir. Does not need ending slash. Accepts forward/backward slashes interchangeably but always output backslash.


  • shortfn - causes N > 0 or $1- within 5th parameter to return short filenames and/or foldernames when a case-insensitive evaluation of the filename is not a valid DOS filename. (Invalid characters, more than 1 period, filename prefix longer than 8, file extension longer than 4, etc)

Note: Returned string can contain multiple consecutive spaces if the file/folder names contain them, causing $file() and other mIRC identifiers to fail. This problem can be avoided by using .shortfn which never contains any spaces.



Added: mIRC v4.7
Added on: 09 Dec 1996
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See Also[edit]