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$urlget identifier - mIRC
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$urlget sends a HEAD/GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE to an http server. Returns an ID. Can also be used to get infos about current running $urlget.
$urlget(url,hgpuadfbtike,<target>,<alias>,[&headers],[&body]) $urlget(N/ID,cr) $urlget(N/ID)[.prop]
- url - the url to access, must be prefixed with http:// or https:// (maximum url characters are 2000)
- hgpuadfbrtice - switches to indicate how to proceed:
- hgpuad - h for HEAD, g for GET, p for POST, u for PUT, a for PATCH, d for DELETE
- fb - f to output the answer (without the responses headers) to a file, b to output to a binvar
- r - resumes the processing,
- t - uses .part file if necessary
- i - ignores SSL errors
- c - cancel the processing
- k - prevent redirection
- e - save failed download reply to the &binvar/file
- target - the output: the filename if you used f, or a &binvar for b
- alias - the name of the alias that is called at the end, this alias is called as a command with one parameter passed to it: the ID
- headers - optional, a &binvar containing the headers to be sent, separated by $crlf
- body - optional, a &binvar containing the data to be sent when you are POSTing
- ID/N - the Nth urlget or the urlget referenced by the ID
- .url - returns the url used
- .redirect - returns the value of the location header if available
- .method - returns the method used (GET/POST)
- .type - returns the type of output, (binvar/file)
- .target - returns the value of target (name of the binvar or filename)
- .alias - returns the name of the alias used
- .id - returns the ID.
- .state - returns the state (ok, connect, download, fail)
- .size - returns the value of the content-lenght header
- .resume - returns 0 or 1 depending on if you are resumed/paused?
- .rcvd - returns the number of bytes received after the header, could be different from .size after a failed download.
- .time - returns the time taken to complete the processing, in millisecond
- .reply - returns the response headers
Usage: /download
alias download { if (!$1) { return } if ($1 isnum) { if ($urlget($1).state == fail) { echo 4 -at Error: Connection issues! | return } .run notepad.exe $qt($urlget($1).target) } else { var %file = source.txt write -c $qt(%file) return $urlget($1,gfi,%file,download) } }
Type /urlget.test
; > POST / HTTP/1.1 ; > Accept: */* ; > Test: Header ; > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate ; > User-Agent: mIRC ; > Host: localhost ; > Content-Length: 19 ; > Connection: Keep-Alive ; > Cache-Control: no-cache ; > foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2 ; < HTTP/1.1 200 OK ; < Connection: close ; < Content-Length: 5 ; < hello ; url http://localhost/ ; redirect http://localhost/ ; method post ; type binvar ; target &target ; alias urlget.callback ; id 1027 ; state ok ; size 5 ; resume 0 ; rcvd 5 ; time 125 ; reply HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: closeContent-Length: 5 ; response hello alias urlget.test { urlget.listen var %url = $iif($1,$1,http://localhost/) bset -t &header 1 Test: Header bset -t &body 1 foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2 var %id = $urlget(%url,pb,&target,urlget.callback,&header,&body) } alias urlget.callback { var %id = $1 echo -agi9 url $urlget(%id).url echo -agi9 redirect $urlget(%id).redirect echo -agi9 method $urlget(%id).method echo -agi9 type $urlget(%id).type echo -agi9 target $urlget(%id).target echo -agi9 alias $urlget(%id).alias echo -agi9 id $urlget(%id).id echo -agi9 state $urlget(%id).state echo -agi9 size $urlget(%id).size echo -agi9 resume $urlget(%id).resume echo -agi9 rcvd $urlget(%id).rcvd echo -agi9 time $urlget(%id).time echo -agi9 reply $urlget(%id).reply if ($urlget(%id).type == binvar) { echo -agi9 response $bvar($urlget(%id).target,1-3000).text } } alias urlget.listen { if (!$sock(urlget.listen)) socklisten -d urlget.listen 80 } on *:socklisten:urlget.listen:{ var %sockname = urlget.client. $+ $ticks if ($sock(%sockname)) return sockaccept %sockname } on *:sockread:urlget.client.*:{ var %header if (!$sock($sockname).mark) { sockread %header while (%header != $null) { echo 3 -ag > %header if ($regex(%header,Content-Length: (\d+))) { hadd -m $sockname content-length $regml(1) } sockread %header } if ($sockbr) sockmark $sockname $true } if ($sock($sockname).mark) && ($sock($sockname).rq) { sockread &read while ($sockbr) { hinc $sockname content-read $sockbr echo 6 -agi2 > $bvar(&read,1-3000).text sockread &read } } if ($hget($sockname,content-length) == 0) || ($v1 == $hget($sockname,content-read)) { socket.respond $sockname hello hfree -w $sockname } } alias -l sockwrite { echo 12 -ag < $3- sockwrite $1- } alias -l socket.respond { var %sockname = $$1, %data = $2- sockwrite -n %sockname HTTP/1.1 200 OK sockwrite -n %sockname Connection: close sockwrite -n %sockname Content-Length: $len(%data) sockwrite -n %sockname $+($crlf,%data) }
cancelling and resuming
;cancel the first $urlget request currently running $urlget(1,c) ;resume the request identified by the id <id> $urlget(<id>,r)
Added: mIRC v7.56
Added on: 06 Jul 2019
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.
See also
mIRC identifier list