The /timer command can be used to create a general purpose timer. A timer is a way to execute code at some specific interval or time and delay. Timers can be named and unnamed. Unnamed timers will get the lowest numeric timer index available. Named timers are specifically useful if you need to recall that timer at a later period - to pause it, resume it, or simply reset it. Starting a timer with a name that already exists will override the old timer. Timers only get execute on the main mIRC message loop. I.E. after the alias/event are complete.
/timers [off] /timer[n|name] [off] /timer[n|name] [-cdeomhiprzN] [time] <repetitions> <interval> <code>
Creation Manipulators
- -o - Creates a offline timer
- -c - Creates a catch-up timer
- -h - Creates a high-resolution timer (interval is in millisecond just like -m)
- -m - Treats the interval parameter as milliseconds instead of seconds
- -d - Keeps the order of all -d timers
- -i - Dynamically associates itself with the active connection
- -e - Executes the code associated with a timer
- -p - Pauses a timer
- -r - Resumes a timer
- -zN - Resets an online timer; N=2 resets total time, N=1, resets current time, and N=0 is the same as N=1 AND N=2
- [off] - A literal 'off' keyword, used to turn off a timer.
- [n|name] - The name or index of the timer
- [time] - Time to activate the timer, for example '15:30' for 3:30PM
- <repetitions> - The amount of times the timer should repeat itself. A repetition value of '0' will repeat forever.
- <interval> - The delay between two consecutive timer executions
- <code> - Code to be executed.
Below is a simple count down timer that uses a call-back alias once per second:
alias example { ; start cou var %reps = 5 ; call the timer %reps times after 1 second delay each .timer %reps 1 count-down ; print the first count count-down } alias -l count-down { echo -a Count: $timer($ltimer).reps }
The above code will generate the following output:
Count: 5 Count: 4 Count: 3 Count: 2 Count: 1 Count: 0
A more basic example of a message being delayed for 3 seconds:
on *:text:!foo:#foo:{ ; delay the message for 3 seconds timer 1 3 msg #foo Bar! }
A repetition of '0' can also be used to mean an repeat for ever:
alias cur_time { timer 0 1 echo -s $!time(hh:nn:ss) }
Added: mIRC 3.3, 3.4