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< mirc‎ | commands

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m (Bot: Fixing links)
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The '''/tips command''' can be used to disable and enable all tips options from the option dialog. Without any parameters, it prints the current tips settings. Turning tips off will kill all active tips, including the ones generated by [[$tip identifier - mIRC|$tip]].
The '''/tips command''' can be used to disable and enable all tips options from the option dialog. Without any parameters, it prints the current tips settings. Turning tips off will kill all active tips, including the ones generated by {{mIRC|$tip}}.
== Synopsis ==
== Synopsis ==
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* [[List of commands - mIRC|List of commands]]
* [[List of commands - mIRC|List of commands]]
* [[List of identifiers - mIRC|List of identifiers]]
* [[List of identifiers - mIRC|List of identifiers]]
* [[$tips identifier - mIRC|$tips]]
* {{mIRC|$tips}}
* [[$tip identifier - mIRC|$tip]]
* {{mIRC|$tip}}
* {{mIRC|/tip}}
* {{mIRC|/tip}}
{{mIRC command list}}
{{mIRC command list}}
[[Category:MIRC commands]]
[[Category:MIRC commands]]

Revision as of 20:41, 5 July 2014

The /tips command can be used to disable and enable all tips options from the option dialog. Without any parameters, it prints the current tips settings. Turning tips off will kill all active tips, including the ones generated by $tip.


/tips [on|off]




  • [on|off] - on/off settings


; disable all tips
/tips off


Added: mIRC 6.31

Added On: 01/11/2007

Note: Individual switches were not taken into consideration.

See also

v · d · e mIRC commands list

A /abook, /action, /add, /ajinvite, /alias, /aline, /ame, /amsg, /anick, /aop, /auser, /auto, /autojoin, /avoice, /away

B /background, /ban, /bcopy, /beep, /bindip, /bread, /break, /breplace, /bset, /btrunc, /bunset, /bwrite

C /channel, /clear, /clearall, /clearial, /cline, /clipboard, /close, /closechats, /closedccs, /closefserves, /closemsg, /cnick, /color, /colour, /comclose, /comlist, /commands, /comopen, /comreg, /continue, /copy, /creq, /ctcp, /ctcpreply, /ctcps

D /dcc, /dccserver, /dde, /ddeserver, /debug, /dec, /describe, /dialog, /did, /didtok, /disable, /disconnect, /dlevel, /dline, /dll, Template:mIRC/donotdisturb, /dns, /dqwindow, /drawcopy, /drawdot, /drawfill, /drawline, /drawpic, /drawrect, /drawreplace, /drawrot, /drawsave, /drawscroll, /drawsize /drawtext

E /ebeeps, /echo, /editbox, /else, /elseif, /emailaddr, /enable, /events, /exit

F /fclose, /filter, /findtext, /finger, /firewall, /flash, /flist, /flood, /flush, /flushini, /fnord, /font, /fopen, /fseek, /fsend, /fserve, /fullname, /fupdate, /fwrite

G /ghide, /gload, /gmove, /gopts, /goto, /gplay, /gpoint, /gqreq, /groups, /gshow, /gsize, /gstop, /gtalk, /gunload, /guser

H /hadd, /halt, /haltdef, /hdec, /hdel, /help, /hfree, /hinc, /hload, /hmake, /hotlink, /hop, /hsave

I /ial, /ialclear, /ialmark, /identd, /if, /ignore, /iline, /inc, /iuser

J /join

L /leave, /linesep, /links, /list, /load, /loadbuf, /localinfo, /log, /logview

M /maxdepth, /mdi, /me, /menubar, /mkdir, /mnick, /mode, /msg

N /noop, /notice, /notify

O /onotice, /omsg

P /pareline, /part, /partall, /pdcc, /perform, /play, /playctrl, /pop, /protect, /proxy, /pvoice

Q /qme, /qmsg, /query, /queryrn, /quit, /quote

R /raw, /registration, /reload, /remini, /remote, /remove, /rename, /renwin, /reseterror, /resetidle, /return, /returnex, /rlevel, /rline, /rmdir, /run, /ruser

S /save, /savebuf, /saveini, /say, /scid, /scon, /server, /set, /setlayer, /showmirc, /signal, /sline, /sockaccept, /sockclose, /socklist, /socklisten, /sockmark, /sockopen, /sockpause, /sockread, /sockrename, /sockudp, /sockwrite, /sound, /speak, /splay, /sreq, /strip, /switchbar

T /timer, /timestamp, /tip, /tips, /titlebar, /tnick, /tokenize, /toolbar, /topic /tray, /treebar

U /ulist, /unload, /unset, /unsetall, /updatenl, /url, /username, /uwho

V /var, /vcadd, /vcmd, /vcrem, /vol


X /xyzzy