From WikiChip
The /did command allows you to modify the values of controls in a dialog.
/did -ftebvhnmcukradiogjsl <name> <id> [n] [text | filename | start [end] ]
- -f - set focus on <id>, use -fu to set a tab on focus
- -t - set <id> as default button
- -e - enable <id>
- -b - disable <id>
- -v - make <id> visible
- -h - hide <id>
- -n - enables editbox
- -m - disables editbox
- -c - check a checkbox/radio/list/combo/ line, can be used to set the selected text in the control
- -u - uncheck a checkbox/radio/list/combo line, used with -c, can be used to mark a 3dstate checkbox as indeterminate
- -k - used with -c and -u, keeps other selections in a listbox
- -s - checks the checkbox of an item in a listbox control that uses checkboxes
- -l - unchecks the checkbox of an item in a listbox control that uses checkboxes
- -r - clears all text in <id>
- -a - appends text to the end of a control or adds an item to a menu
- -d - deletes the Nth line in a listbox/combo
- -i - insert line in a listbox/combo or inserts an item to a menu
- -o - overwrite the Nth line in a listbox/combo with text
- -g - set a new icon/bmp to an icon control
- -z - resets the width of horizontal scrollbar in listbox, or set the range of a scrollbar control
- -j - resets the edited setting in an editbox
- <name> - name of the dialog
- <id> - id of the controls, you can use the form N-N1,N2-N3 to change multiple ids at once, 1-5,6,9 would change the following ids: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
- [n] - usually a line number, it can also be an id number with menus, use 0 if you want to access the editbox of a combo control.
- [text] - the text parameter if applicable
- [filename] - used with -g
- [start [end]] - used with -z to set the range of a scrollbar, or with -c to set a selection
Added: mIRC v5.5
Added on: 08 Jan 1999
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.
See also
mIRC commands list