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{{mIRC menu}}
The '''/sockopen command''' initiates a connection to the specified addresses and port; a named address can be substituted for an IP address (which will get resolved to an IP address eventually). On success, the on sockopen event should get executed.
The '''/sockopen command''' initiates a connection to the specified addresses and port; a named address can be substituted for an IP address (which will get resolved to an IP address eventually). On success, the on sockopen event should get executed.

Revision as of 01:03, 29 July 2014

Template:mIRC menu The /sockopen command initiates a connection to the specified addresses and port; a named address can be substituted for an IP address (which will get resolved to an IP address eventually). On success, the on sockopen event should get executed.


/sockopen [-de] [bindip] <name> <address> <port>


  • -d - the specified IP address is the bind IP address
  • -e - creates an SSL connection


  • [bindip] - bind ip to be used
  • <name> - socket name (for future reference)
  • <address> - ip address or server name of the end point
  • <port> - port of the end point


Alias irc_connect {
  ;Initiate a connection with "" on port 6669, Secured connection
  sockopen -e IRC +6697
On *:sockopen:IRC:{
  ;Send our USER and NICK irc commands
  sockwrite -n IRC USER Tester $+ $rand(1,100) Test Test:mSL Testing $+ $crlf
  sockwrite -n IRC NICK Tester $+ $rand(1,100) $crlf
;Show all receiving data in a window
On *:sockread:IRC:{
  window -de @IRC
  var %x
  sockread %x
  aline -p @IRC $iif(%x,$v1,-)


Added: mIRC v5.3
Added on: 13 Dec 1997
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See also

v · d · e mIRC commands list

A /abook, /action, /add, /ajinvite, /alias, /aline, /ame, /amsg, /anick, /aop, /auser, /auto, /autojoin, /avoice, /away

B /background, /ban, /bcopy, /beep, /bindip, /bread, /break, /breplace, /bset, /btrunc, /bunset, /bwrite

C /channel, /clear, /clearall, /clearial, /cline, /clipboard, /close, /closechats, /closedccs, /closefserves, /closemsg, /cnick, /color, /colour, /comclose, /comlist, /commands, /comopen, /comreg, /continue, /copy, /creq, /ctcp, /ctcpreply, /ctcps

D /dcc, /dccserver, /dde, /ddeserver, /debug, /dec, /describe, /dialog, /did, /didtok, /disable, /disconnect, /dlevel, /dline, /dll, Template:mIRC/donotdisturb, /dns, /dqwindow, /drawcopy, /drawdot, /drawfill, /drawline, /drawpic, /drawrect, /drawreplace, /drawrot, /drawsave, /drawscroll, /drawsize /drawtext

E /ebeeps, /echo, /editbox, /else, /elseif, /emailaddr, /enable, /events, /exit

F /fclose, /filter, /findtext, /finger, /firewall, /flash, /flist, /flood, /flush, /flushini, /fnord, /font, /fopen, /fseek, /fsend, /fserve, /fullname, /fupdate, /fwrite

G /ghide, /gload, /gmove, /gopts, /goto, /gplay, /gpoint, /gqreq, /groups, /gshow, /gsize, /gstop, /gtalk, /gunload, /guser

H /hadd, /halt, /haltdef, /hdec, /hdel, /help, /hfree, /hinc, /hload, /hmake, /hotlink, /hop, /hsave

I /ial, /ialclear, /ialmark, /identd, /if, /ignore, /iline, /inc, /iuser

J /join

L /leave, /linesep, /links, /list, /load, /loadbuf, /localinfo, /log, /logview

M /maxdepth, /mdi, /me, /menubar, /mkdir, /mnick, /mode, /msg

N /noop, /notice, /notify

O /onotice, /omsg

P /pareline, /part, /partall, /pdcc, /perform, /play, /playctrl, /pop, /protect, /proxy, /pvoice

Q /qme, /qmsg, /query, /queryrn, /quit, /quote

R /raw, /registration, /reload, /remini, /remote, /remove, /rename, /renwin, /reseterror, /resetidle, /return, /returnex, /rlevel, /rline, /rmdir, /run, /ruser

S /save, /savebuf, /saveini, /say, /scid, /scon, /server, /set, /setlayer, /showmirc, /signal, /sline, /sockaccept, /sockclose, /socklist, /socklisten, /sockmark, /sockopen, /sockpause, /sockread, /sockrename, /sockudp, /sockwrite, /sound, /speak, /splay, /sreq, /strip, /switchbar

T /timer, /timestamp, /tip, /tips, /titlebar, /tnick, /tokenize, /toolbar, /topic /tray, /treebar

U /ulist, /unload, /unset, /unsetall, /updatenl, /url, /username, /uwho

V /var, /vcadd, /vcmd, /vcrem, /vol


X /xyzzy