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Access Levels - mIRC
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Access levels in mIRC are a mechanism by which events can be restricted to certain user levels or named groups. Almost all events have a level parameter that specifies the event's access level.

User list[edit]

The list of users and their access is stored in the "users" tab of the script editor. Only a single address is stored per line and must follow the following syntax:

<levels>:<address> <additional info>

Access levels are comma-delimited values that define the levels of the user. Although usually, the levels are numeric, you can use a name instead like "botAdmin" or "friends".

The <additional info> parameter is an optional parameter that can be used to store some additional information about the user or other useful miscellaneous data.

friend:dan! high school friend

Adding users[edit]

There are two commands that can be used to add a user to the access list, /auser and /guser. They follow this syntax:

/auser [-a] <levels> <name|address> [info]
/guser [-a] <levels> <name> [addressType] [info]

Both /auser and /guser do the same thing, they add a specific user to the user list with the access levels specified (Comma delimited). The -a switch can be used to simply add additional access levels to an existing user, otherwise all the old levels gets replaced with the new ones. The fundamental difference between /auser and /guser is that /guser can be used to look up the address of a user while /auser requires you to provide it beforehand.

;Add joe (address mask type 2), access level 'friend'
/guser friend joe 2 neighbor

Removing users[edit]

The /ruser command can be used to remove a user completely from the access list or simply remove one of his levels.

/ruser [levels] <name|address> [type]

For example:

/ruser madman 2
/ruser 2,10 foobar

Changing users' info[edit]

The user info parameter can be changed at any time using the /iuser command:

/iuser <name|address> [info]

Event prefixes[edit]

mIRC offers a lot of prefixes to slightly alter how the event activates.

* prefix[edit]

The * prefix is the most commonly used prefix, and allows any user to activate the event regardless of their access level.

For example:

on *:text:!time:#:{
  notice $nick the time for me is $time

Numeric prefixes[edit]

Numeric prefixes allow any user with an access level >= the prefix to activate the event.

For example:

on +5:text:.h:#myChan:{
  mode $chan +h $nick

can be executed by any user with access level 5 or greater.

^ prefix[edit]

By default, your event are triggered after mIRC has processed this event itself. For example if someone talks to you in a query, mIRC will display the text in that window, triggers the various beep and flash option if any, and only then trigger on text.

The ^ prefix tells mIRC to process your event before it processes the event itself. This prefix typically only works with IRC event but here is a full list of supported events: on action, on ban, on chat, on dehelp, on deop, on devoice, on help, on invite, on join, on kick, on mode, on nick, on notice, on op, on open, on part, on ping, on text, on unban, on usermode, on voice, on quit, on serv, on servermode, on serverop, on snotice, on tabcomp, on topic, on wallops.

This prefix, coupled with /halt or /haltdef, allows you to display your own message for a given event, or it allows you to prevent a query window from opening with on open, or to prevent a nick completion in on tabcomp

+ prefix[edit]

By default, the numeric prefix means that level and any level higher can trigger that event. Using the + prefix, you can limit the event to be exactly the level specified.

For example:

on +5:text:.h:#myChan:{
  mode $chan +h $nick

will only work for users with access level of exactly 5. Any user with higher access level will not activate that event.

! prefix[edit]

The exclamation mark prefix can be used to prevent an event from being activated by you (if ($nick != $me)).

For example:

on !1:join:#support:{
  msg $chan Hello $nick $+ , do you need help?

will never get activated by you joining #support, only other people.

@ prefix[edit]

The @ symbol can be used as a prefix to indicate that the event can only be activated if you are an operator in the channel. You can think of it as "if ($me isop $chan) {"

For example:

on @10:text:.op:#myChan:{
  mode $chan +o-v $nick $nick

will only work if you are an operator in #myChan at the time the user typed ".o".

& prefix[edit]

The & prefix can be used to prevent the event from being executed if the previous event called the /haltdef or /halt commands (if $halted is $true).

For example, given the following two on TEXT events placed in separate files...


on *:TEXT:!test:?:haltdef


on &*:TEXT:*:?:echo -ga I triggered because $!halted == $halted $+ !

The second event will trigger upon recieving any msg sent via query except !test, because the first event calls the haltdef command upon receiving !test.

$ prefix[edit]

This event prefix means the matchtext of the event is a regular expression, the delimiter are required.

on $*:text:/^([!@.])test$/:#myChan:{
  msg $chan $nick triggered test with $regml(1)

Named access levels[edit]

Sometimes it's beneficial to give an access group a name instead of a numeric value. A good example is bot admins, friends, or even channel members. You can define such groups using the normal /guser and /auser commands:

/guser BotAdmin Mike123 2
/guser BotAdmin Joe73 2
/guser BotAdmin Dave12 2

With that you can use the named group level in events, for example:

on BotAdmin:text:!example:#:{
  msg $chan Hello Bot Admin!

me prefix[edit]

The 'me' prefix can be used to get an event to trigger when you meet the criteria (only if $nick == $me). The 'me' prefix is a bit special; it requires a new colon before others prefixes.

For example:

on me:*:join:#support:{
  msg $chan Hello $chan $+ , I need help!

Note: Many events are not triggered when you meet the criteria and you need to code a separate 'me' event to handle it.