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On Devoice - Events - mIRC
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The ON DEVOICE event triggers whenever a user on a channel has had their voice privileges (mode -v) removed.


ON <level>:DEVOICE:<#[,#]>:<commands>


  • <level> - The corresponding access levels for the event to trigger.
  • <*><#> - The place, or places where the event listens, you can specify specific name of window, seperate them by comma.
    • * - Any channel window
    • # - Any channel window
  • <commands> - The commands to be performed when the event triggers

local identifiers[edit]


Returns the nickname of the user being devoiced.


Acknowledge when a user has had their voice user level removed:

ON *:DEVOICE:#:msg # Uh oh, looks like $vnick no longer has a voice, thanks to $nick $+ .


Added: mIRC v4.72
Added on: 09 Jan 1997
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See Also[edit]