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$window Identifier - mIRC
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Revision as of 13:42, 8 November 2017 by Ouims (talk | contribs) (Synopsis)

$window returns information about the specified window.





  • N - The Nth window, if N is 0, returns the total number of @custom windows.
  • Name - The named window of any type, including @custom, #channel, Query


Properties: x, y, w, h, dx, dy, dw, dh, bw, bh, mdi, title, state, font, fontsize, fontbold, fontitalic, fontcs, logfile, stamp, icon, ontop, type, anysc, wid, cid, hwnd, sbtext, sbcolor, sbstate, tbtext, tbstate, idle, lb

  • x,y,w,h - the left, top positions, and the width and height of the window respectively
  • dx,dy - the left, top positions of the window relative to the desktop
  • dw,dh - the width and height of the text display area
  • bw,bh - the width and height of the bitmap for a graphic window
  • mdi - $true if the window is mdi, otherwise returns $false
  • title - text in the titlebar of the window
  • state - returns minimized/maximized/hidden/normal
  • font - the name of the window's font
  • fontsize - the window's font size
  • fontbold - $true if the font is bold, otherwise returns $false
  • fontitalic - $true if the font is italic, otherwise returns $false
  • fontcs - the character set of the current font
  • logfile - the path\filename of the window's logfile if one is open
  • stamp - timestamp setting, $true or $false
  • icon - returns on/off depending on whether icon is visible
  • ontop - returns ontop status for a window, $true or $false
  • type - returns window type: status,channel,custom,query,Urls List... Does not reflect cursor being in Options or Remote Scripot Editor
  • anysc - returns $true or $false to indicate if the /window was created using the -i switch
  • wid - returns the window id number
  • cid - returns the connection id number associated with that window. Changes based on active network if @window created using the -i switch
  • hwnd - returns the window handle number
  • sbtext - sbtext returns the switchbar button text, even if window is hidden from the switchbar (such as custom windows losing the @ when created using the -k switch)
  • sbcolor the name of the switchbar highlight color, event/message/highlight, or $null if not colored
  • sbstate - returns switchbar button state for a window, 0=hidden 1=not hidden
  • tbtext - returns the treebar button text, even if treebar is not displayed, but only if the window is not hidden from the treebar
  • tbstate - returns treebar button state for a window, 0=hidden 1=not hidden
  • idle - returns idle state
  • lb - returns 0= no listbox, 1= has listbox, or 2= has side listbox

Note: Using names -1 and @desktop are aliases to the width and height of the screen, -2 and @mirc are aliases to the main mIRC window, -3 and @mdi are aliases to the MDI window where all other windows inside mIRC are displayed. Using $window(name) with these aliases does not return a window name, and the only properties which return a value for these names are: .x .y .w .h .dx .dy .dw .dh .state .icon .type .cid .wid .hwnd (wid and cid return 0).

Note: $window(name) returns the actual name of the window, regardless of the upper/lower case spelling used in the identifier. If window was created using name @Test, $window(@TEST) and $window(@test) both return Test. Channel and DCC windows return a value only when $window is used from that connection id. $window(#test) returns the name of that channel window when the active window is on the connection where a channel named #test is open, and returns $null at all other connections.

If there is an open send window, $window(Send ReceivingNick $nopath(filename)) returns $null except within the connection where the DCC was made.

The non-number name used to obtain properties from a window should be the same string returned by the $active identifier.


//echo -a There are $window(0) custom windows open $iif($window(1),The first custom window listed in 'window' menu is $v1)
//echo -a Custom window @test $iif($window(@test),Does,Does Not) exist.
//echo -a Channel named #test $iif($window(#test),is open on this .cid,is not open on this .cid but might be open on other .cid)
echo -a Checking which .props work for windows -1 -2 and -3.
//tokenize 44 x, y, w, h, dx, dy, dw, dh, bw, bh, mdi, title, state, font, fontsize, fontbold, fontitalic, fontcs, logfile, stamp, icon, ontop, type, anysc, wid, cid, hwnd, sbtext, sbcolor, sbstate, tbtext, tbstate, idle, lb | while ($1) { var %i -1 | var %text $1 | while (%i isnum -3--1 ) { var %text %text / [ $ $+ [ window( [ %i ] ). $+ [ $1 ] ] ] | dec %i } | echo -a %text | tokenize 32 $2- }


Added: mIRC v5.0
Added on: 02 Apr 1997
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See Also
