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(Created page with "Local identifiers are all the identifiers which may only return a value inside an event. Here is a list of all the local identifiers for all events == IRC related events ==...")
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Revision as of 05:35, 25 January 2016

Local identifiers are all the identifiers which may only return a value inside an event.

Here is a list of all the local identifiers for all events

IRC related events

The following are considered IRC events: on action, on ban, on connect, on disconnect, on connectfail, on ctcpreply, on dehelp, on devoice, on deop, on deowner, on error, on filercvd, on filesent, on getfail, on help, on invite, on kick, on logon, on mode, on nick, on nosound, on notice, on notify, on op, on open, on owner, on part, on quit, on rawmode, on sendfail, on servermode, on serverop, on snotice, on text, on topic, on unban, on unotify, on voice, on wallops, ctcp event

-- need more work.