From WikiChip
Manufacturer Prefix

SN7400N - The company prefix SN indicates this is a Texas Instruments manufactured part. This can also be confirmed through the TI logo.
Manufacturer Prefix or IC Company Prefix or ID are identification codes various semiconductor companies use to identify their integrated circuits. Those IDs are usually found as the first few letters of the part number. They may often be found on the IC package itself as well along with a possible logo.
Prefix | Company | Note |
AD | Analog Devices | |
AM | Advanced Micro Devices | |
AT | Atmel | |
BA | ROHM Semiconductor | |
BQ | Benchmarq Microelectronics | |
CA | RCA | Analog devices |
CD | RCA | Digital devices |
DM | Fairchild | |
DM | National Semiconductor | |
DS | Dallas Semiconductor (now Maxim Integrated) | |
EP | Altera | Normal series |
EPC | Altera | EPROMs |
EPF | Altera | Flex series |
EPM | Altera | MAX Series |
HA | Hitachi | Analog devices |
HD | Hitachi | Digital devices |
LM | National Semiconductor | |
M | Mitsubishi | ID may be preceded by three-diamond emblem |
MA | TESLA | |
MC | Motorola | (now ON Semiconductor) |
MH | TESLA | |
MM | Monolithic Memories | |
MM | National Semiconductor | |
N | Signetics | |
NE | Signetics | |
PC | Signetics | |
RC | Ratheon | |
RM | Ratheon | |
SE | Signetics | |
SN | Texas Instruments | |
TI | Texas Instruments | |
UA | Fairchild | |
μA | Fairchild | |
XC | Xilinx | |
Z | Zilog |