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Aurora - Supercomputers
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General Info
SponsorsU.S. Department of Energy
OperatorsArgonne Leadership Computing Facility

Aurora is a planned state-of-the-art exascale supercomputer designed by Intel/Cray for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF). The system is expected to become the first supercomputer in the United States to break the exaFLOPS barrier.


Originally announced in April 2015, Aurora was planned to be delivered in 2018 and have a peak performance of 180 petaFLOPS. The system was expected to be the world's most powerful system at the time. The system was intended to be built by Cray based on Intel's 3rd generation Xeon Phi (Knights Hill microarchitecture). In November 2017 Intel announced that Aurora has been shifted to 2021 and will be scaled up to 1 exaFLOPS. The system will likely become the first supercomputer in the United States to break the exaFLOPS barrier. As part of the announcement Knights Hill was canceled and instead be replaced by a "new platform and new microarchitecture specifically designed for exascale".

Original Specifications[edit]

Original Specs
Computing Power 180 PFLOPS
Compute Nodes >50,000
Processor 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Phi (Knights Hill)
Memory >7 PB DRAM and persistent memory
Fabric 2nd Generation Intel Omni-Path Architecture with silicon photonics
File System Intel® Lustre* File System
File System Capacity >150 Petabytes
File System Throughput >1 Terabyte/s
Peak Power 13 MW
FLOP/s Per Watt >13 GigaFLOP/s per watt
Facility Area ~3,000 sq. ft.


With a price tag of around $600 million, Aurora is slated for 2021 and will reach a peak performance of over 1 exaFLOPS. The computer will feature a future Xeon processor along with a 7 nm-based Intel Xe GPGPU.


Original System[edit]

External links[edit]
