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P5 - Microarchitectures - Intel
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P5 µarch
General Info
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P5 was the microarchitecture for Intel's for Pentium line of microprocessors as a successor to the 80486. Introduced in 1993, P5 was manufactured using 600 nm process. In late 1995 P5 was succeeded by P6.

codenameP5 +
designerIntel +
first launchedApril 1993 +
full page nameintel/microarchitectures/p5 +
instance ofmicroarchitecture +
instruction set architecturex86-32 +
manufacturerIntel +
microarchitecture typeCPU +
nameP5 +
phase-outOctober 1995 +
process600 nm (0.6 μm, 6.0e-4 mm) +