From WikiChip
<signal.h> Header - C
< c

The <signal.h> header is part of the standard library of the C programming language which provides the functionality necessary for dealing with various signals.


Type Description Since
sig_atomic_t Integer type of an object that can be accessed as an atomic entity C89


The header provides the following macro definitions:

Macro Name Description Since
SIG_DFL macros expand into integral expressions that compare unequal to the address of any declarable function C89
SIGABRT expand to positive integer constant expressions with type int; corresponding to an abnormal termination C89
SIGFPE expand to positive integer constant expressions with type int; corresponding to an erroneous arithmetic operation C89
SIGILL expand to positive integer constant expressions with type int; corresponding to a detection of an invalid function image C89
SIGINT expand to positive integer constant expressions with type int; corresponding to a receipt of an interactive attention signal C89
SIGSEGV expand to positive integer constant expressions with type int; corresponding to an invalid access to storage C89
SIGTERM expand to positive integer constant expressions with type int; corresponding to a termination request sent to the program C89


Function Description Since
signal sets up a signal handler for specific signal C89
raise carries out the action defined by signal() C89