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$factorial Identifier - mIRC
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$fibonacci is a math identifier which returns the Nth term in the Fibonacci Sequence

In bigfloat mode, the maximum returned term in the series is $fibonacci(49325) In doubles mode, the maximum number within the 2^53 limit is $fibonacci(78), and numbers above that lose precision.

More info at

With an implied 0 and 1 preceding it, the Nth number of the Fibonacci Sequence is the sum of the preceding 2 numbers, so the series begins at N=1 like [0 1] 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ... and the limit as N approaches infinity for the Nth term divided by the N+1th term is the Golden Ratio $calc( ($sqrt(5) +1)/2)




  • <integer> The position in the Fibonacci Sequence for which the value is returned


//var -s %i 1 | while (%i isnum 1-20) { echo -a $ord(%i) : $fibonacci(%i)  $calc( $fibonacci(%i) / $fibonacci($calc(1+%i)) )  | inc %i }

See also