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Arduino Uno
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Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno - R3.jpg

Developer Arduino

Microcontroller ATmega328P

Frequency 16 MHz

The Arduino Uno is an open-source hardware design, single-board microcontroller, Arduino based on the ATmega8, ATmega168, or ATmega328 microcontroller developed by Atmel. While currently the Arduino Uno is generally shipped with ATmega328, it is compatible with the 8 or 168 ATmega versions without modifications, including the pin configuration. The board was first announced on September 24, 2010.[1]

The Arduino Uno is currently on its third revision.

Revision 3[edit]

In revision 3, the ATmega8U chip that was responsible for the USB communication was replaced by the ATmega16U, doubling the flash memory to 16kB from 8kB. The reset button has been moved from the center of the board to the corner right next to the USB connector.


Programming on the Ardunio Uno, like all the other Ardunio boards can be done using C and the Arduino standard libraries.


The standard design board comes with the ATmega328P which has 32 KB of flash memory, 2 KB of SRAM, and 1 KB of EEPROM.


The board includes 13 multi-purpose digital pins and 6 multi-purpose analog pins.[2]

Pin Name Description
0 RX Receive TTL serial data
1 TX Transmit TTL serial data
2 External interrupt, digital pin
3 External interrupt, PWD, digital pin
4 digital pin
5 PWM, digital pin
6 PWM, digital pin
7 digital pin
8 digital pin
9 PWM, digital pin
10 SS PWM, digital pin, SPI SS (Slave Select) pin
11 MISI PWM, digital pin, SPI MOSI (Master Out Slave In) pin
12 MOSI digital pin, SPI MISO (Master In Slave Out) pin
13 LED/SCK Built-in LED, digital pin, SPI SCK (Serial Clock) pin
A0 Analog pin
A1 Analog pin
A2 Analog pin
A3 Analog pin
A4 SDA Analog pin, I²C SDA (Serial Data Line) pin
A5 SCL Analog pin, I²C SCL (Serial Clock) pin
AREF AREF Reference voltage for the analog inputs
Reset Reset Resets the microcontroller

See also[edit]
