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$ialmark Identifier - mIRC
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$ialmark returns information about marks created using /ialmark


$ialmark(nick,N/name) - returns $true or $false depending on whether the IAL is on or off.
$ial(nick/mask,N) - returns the Nth address matching a mask in the IAL

Marks are removed if the nick is removed from the IAL for any reason


  • nick - nickname
  • name - name of a mark created by /ialmark
  • N - optional, the Nth matching entry in the IAL, use N = 0 for the total number of matches


  • .name - returns the name of the Nth named mark
  • .mark - returns the mark for that entry, set with /ialmark


;name of the 1st mark attached to your nick (not necessarily default)
//echo -a $ialmark($me)
;the mark attached to the 1st named mark
//echo -a $ialmark($me)
;total number marks
//echo -a $ialmark($me,0)
;the name of the 2nd mark:
//echo -a $ialmark($me,2)
;either 'foo' or $Null depending if that named mark is attached to that nick
//echo -a $ialmark($me,foo)
;the mark attached to the named mark 'foo'
//echo -a $ialmark($me,foo).mark
;the mark attached to the named mark '2' (not necessarily the 2nd named item)
//echo -a $ialmark($me,2).mark
; list all itemnames and marks attached to your nick:
//var %i 1 | while (%i <= $ialmark($me,0)) { echo -a $ord(%i) $ialmark($me,%i).name $ialmark($me,%i).mark | inc %i }


Added: mIRC v7.48
Added on: 15 Apr 2017
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See Also
