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$ialchan Identifier - mIRC
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Revision as of 21:37, 18 October 2022 by KindOne (talk | contribs) (Properties: Add .pnick. This is limited to only $ialchan().)
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$ialchan returns the Nth address matching a mask in the given channel from the IAL


$ialchan(nick/mask,#chan,N) - returns the Nth address matching a mask in the channel


  • nick/mask - a nickname or a mask
  • #chan - the channel
  • N - optional, the Nth matching entry in the IAL, use N = 0 for the total number of matches


  • .nick - returns the nickname of the matched entry
  • .user - returns the username of the matched entry
  • .host - returns the host of the matched entry
  • .addr - returns the address in the format "user@host" of the matched entry
  • .mark - returns the mark for that entry, set with /ialmark
  • .account - returns the account name of the entry (need CAP support for extended-join and account-notify)
  • .away - returns the away status for that entry
  • .gecos - returns the fullname of that entry
  • .id - returns an unique ID to uniquely reference that nickname over any connection
  • .pnick - Returns the target result with their elevation level, eg: @,+,%. Regular users display normal.


//echo -a $ialchan(*,$chan,0)


Added: mIRC v5.1
Added on: 28 Aug 1997
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See Also[edit]
