The $tempfn returns a temporary filename in the $mircdir using the same filename mask used by mIRC for the /write command.
//echo -a $tempfn
It does not create the filename, but offers the filename as a "safe" filename that can be used without mIRC using the same filename.
String returned is $mircdir $+ mirc $+ $rand(100000,999999) $+ .tm_
Note: The filename is safe from being re-used by mIRC in the near future. The fact that your $mircdir isn't littered with .tm_ files means that mIRC cleans up these temp files, either at QUIT or START. If a file you /write to disappears, it's possible that it exists in the same folder with a different N.
Added: mIRC v7.46
Added on: 01 Aug 2016
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.