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WikiChip:citation templates
Revision as of 22:03, 19 December 2015 by BCD (talk | contribs)

When citing sources for an article, the following templates should be used:

Template Syntax Example
apa web
{{apa web
| last      =
| first     =
| middle    =
| month     =
| day       =
| year      =
| title     =
| web title =
| rmonth    =
| rday      =
| ryear     =
| url       =
{{apa web|last=Doe|first=John|middle=H|month=March|day=10|year=1998|title=The foo is bar|web|rmonth=June|rday=5|ryear=2010|url=}}

Doe, John. H. (1998, March 10) "The foo is bar". Retrieved June 5, 2010, from
apa mag
{{apa mag
| last      =
| first     =
| middle    =
| month     =
| day       =
| year      =
| title     =
| magazine  =
| issue     =
| pages     =
| doi       =
| rmonth    =
| rday      =
| ryear     =
| url       =
{{apa mag|last=Doe|first=John|middle=H|month=March|day=10|year=1998|title=The foo is bar|magazine=Foo Mag|issue=123|pages=2-4|doi=|xx.xxxxxxx|rmonth=June|rday=5|ryear=2010|url=}}

Doe, John. H. (1998, March 10) "The foo is bar". Foo Mag, (123) 2-4. Retrieved June 5, 2010, from

{{apa mag|last=Doe|first=John|middle=H|month=March|day=10|year=1998|title=The foo is bar|magazine=Foo Mag|issue=123|pages=2-4|doi=|xx.xxxxxxx}}

Doe, John. H. (1998, March 10) "The foo is bar". Foo Mag, (123) 2-4.

apa mag ad
{{apa mag ad
| company   =
| month     =
| day       =
| year      =
| title     =
| ad        =
| magazine  =
| issue     =
| pages     =
| doi       =
| rmonth    =
| rday      =
| ryear     =
| url       =
{{apa mag ad|company=Hershey|month=March|day=10|year=1998|title=Sweets|ad=Advertisement for Chocolate Kisses|magazine=Time|issue=123|pages=2-4|doi=|xx.xxxxxxx}}

Hershey (1998, March 10) "Sweets". [Advertisement for Chocolate Kisses]. Time, (123) 2-4. .
cite book
{{cite book
| last      =
| first     =
| middle    =
| title     =
| publisher =
| pages     =
| isbn      =
| rmonth    =
| rday      =
| ryear     =
| url       =
{{cite book|last=Doe|first=Joe|middle=K|year=1976|title=Foo Bar|publisher=The Publisher|pages=2-4|isbn=12345678}}

doe, joe (1976). Foo Bar. The Publisher, 2-4. ISBN 12345678.

{{cite book|year=1979|title=Foo Bar|publisher=The Publisher|pages=2-4|isbn=12345678}}

(1979) Foo Bar. The Publisher, 2-4. ISBN 12345678.