From WikiChip
IMP-8 - National Semiconductor
< national semiconductor

The National IMP-8 is a family of multi-chip 8-bit bit-slice microprocessor developed by National semiconductor and introduced in 1974. The chips were made using PMOS technology. Units could be combined to implement systems with 8 to 32-bit words. The IMP-8 was designed using 2 IMP-4 4-bit bit-slice RALUs and an 8-bit control unit.

Family Members
IMP-8A/500 IMP-8A/400 Bundled Kit, CROM + 2 IMP-00A/520
IMP-8A/520 IMP-8A/420 Control and Read-only Memory (CROM)

2nd sources

Rockwell was the only 2nd source for the IMP-8 series.


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