From WikiChip

The Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC), pronounced eb-se-dik, is an 8-bit character encoding scheme used for representing English characters as numbers. Each EBCDIC character is assigned a unique value from 0 to 255. The EBCDIC encoding scheme was devised as an efficient of encoding the binary-coded decimal code on punched cards into 6-bits. Today, EBCDIC is still used in IBM mainframe operating systems such as the z/OS and the OS/390, in the Unisys MCP, Fujitsu BS2000/OSD, and the HP MPE/iX.

Non-printable characters

The purpose of the non-printable characters was to control devices such as consoles and printers with meta-information about the stream. Over the year multiple EBCDIC character sets were created, each one slightly different to other.

Below is a list of all EBCDIC control characters as used on the latest IBM Mainframes and Unisys Clearpath/MCP systems:

Non-Printable EBCDIC Characters
Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal Mnemonic Name
0000 0000 000 0 00 NUL Null character
0000 0001 001 1 01 SOH Start of Heading
0000 0010 002 2 02 STX Start of Text
0000 0011 003 3 03 ETX End of Text
0000 0101 005 5 05 HT Horizontal Tab
0000 0111 007 7 07 DEL Delete
0000 1011 013 11 0B VT Vertical Tab
0000 1100 014 12 0C FF Form feed
0000 1101 015 13 0D CR Carriage return
0000 1110 016 14 0E SO Shift Out
0000 1111 017 15 0F SI Shift In
0001 0000 020 16 10 DLE Data Link Escape
0001 0001 021 17 11 DC1 Device Control 1
0001 0010 022 18 12 DC2 Device Control 2
0001 0011 023 19 13 DC3 Device Control 3
0001 0110 026 22 16 BS Backspace
0001 1000 030 24 18 CAN Cancel
0001 1001 031 25 19 EM End of Medium
0001 1100 034 28 1C FS File Separator
0001 1101 035 29 1D GS Group Separator
0001 1110 036 30 1E RS Record Separator
0001 1111 037 31 1F US Unit Separator
0010 0101 045 37 25 LF Line Feed
0010 0110 046 38 26 ETB End of Transmission Block
0010 0111 047 39 27 ESC Escape
0010 1101 055 45 2D ENQ Enquiry
0010 1110 056 46 2E ACK Acknowledge
0010 1111 057 47 2F BEL Bell
0011 0010 062 50 32 SYN Synchronous Idle
0011 0111 067 55 37 EOT End of Transmission
0011 1100 074 60 3C DC4 Device Control 4
0011 1101 075 61 3D NAK Negative Acknowledge
0011 1111 077 63 3F SUB Substitute

Printable characters

Printable EBCDIC characters include letters, numbers, and symbols.

Printable EBCDIC Characters
Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal Glyph Name
0100 0000 100 64 40   Space
0100 1010 112 74 4A [ Left Square Bracket
0100 1011 113 75 4B . Full stop
0100 1100 114 76 4C < Less-than sign
0100 1101 115 77 4D ( Left Parenthesis
0100 1110 116 78 4E + Plus sign
0100 1111 117 79 4F  ! Exclamation Mark
0101 0000 120 80 50 & Ampersand
0101 1010 132 90 5A ] Right Square Bracket
0101 1011 133 91 5B $ Dollar Sign
0101 1100 134 92 5C * Asterisk
0101 1101 135 93 5D ) Right Parenthesis
0101 1110 136 94 5E  ; Semicolon
0101 1111 137 95 5F ^ Circumflex accent
0110 0000 140 96 60 - Hyphen-minus
0110 0001 141 97 61 / Slash
0110 1010 152 106 6A Vertical bar
0110 1011 153 107 6B , Comma
0110 1100 154 108 6C  % Percent Sign
0110 1101 155 109 6D _ Low line
0110 1110 156 110 6E > Greater-than sign
0110 1111 157 111 6F  ? Question mark
0111 1001 171 121 79 ` Grave accent
0111 1010 172 122 7A  : Colon
0111 1011 173 123 7B # Pound Sign
0111 1100 174 124 7C @ At sign
0111 1101 175 125 7D ' Apostrophe
0111 1110 176 126 7E = Equal sign
0111 1111 177 127 7F " Quotation Mark
1000 0001 201 129 81 a Latin Small Letter a
1000 0010 202 130 82 b Latin Small Letter b
1000 0011 203 131 83 c Latin Small Letter c
1000 0100 204 132 84 d Latin Small Letter d
1000 0101 205 133 85 e Latin Small Letter e
1000 0110 206 134 86 f Latin Small Letter f
1000 0111 207 135 87 g Latin Small Letter g
1000 1000 210 136 88 h Latin Small Letter h
1000 1001 211 137 89 i Latin Small Letter i
1001 0001 221 145 91 j Latin Small Letter j
1001 0010 222 146 92 k Latin Small Letter k
1001 0011 223 147 93 l Latin Small Letter l
1001 0100 224 148 94 m Latin Small Letter m
1001 0101 225 149 95 n Latin Small Letter n
1001 0110 226 150 96 o Latin Small Letter o
1001 0111 227 151 97 p Latin Small Letter p
1001 1000 230 152 98 q Latin Small Letter q
1001 1001 231 153 99 r Latin Small Letter r
1010 0001 241 161 A1 ~ Tilde
1010 0010 242 162 A2 s Latin Small Letter s
1010 0011 243 163 A3 t Latin Small Letter t
1010 0100 244 164 A4 u Latin Small Letter u
1010 0101 245 165 A5 v Latin Small Letter v
1010 0110 246 166 A6 w Latin Small Letter w
1010 0111 247 167 A7 x Latin Small Letter x
1010 1000 250 168 A8 y Latin Small Letter y
1010 1001 251 169 A9 z Latin Small Letter z
1100 0000 300 192 C0 { Left Curly Bracket
1100 0001 301 193 C1 A Latin Capital letter A
1100 0010 302 194 C2 B Latin Capital letter B
1100 0011 303 195 C3 C Latin Capital letter C
1100 0100 304 196 C4 D Latin Capital letter D
1100 0101 305 197 C5 E Latin Capital letter E
1100 0110 306 198 C6 F Latin Capital letter F
1100 0111 307 199 C7 G Latin Capital letter G
1100 1000 310 200 C8 H Latin Capital letter H
1100 1001 311 201 C9 I Latin Capital letter I
1101 0000 320 208 D0 } Right Curly Bracket
1101 0001 321 209 D1 J Latin Capital letter J
1101 0010 322 210 D2 K Latin Capital letter K
1101 0011 323 211 D3 L Latin Capital letter L
1101 0100 324 212 D4 M Latin Capital letter M
1101 0101 325 213 D5 N Latin Capital letter N
1101 0110 326 214 D6 O Latin Capital letter O
1101 0111 327 215 D7 P Latin Capital letter P
1101 1000 330 216 D8 Q Latin Capital letter Q
1101 1001 331 217 D9 R Latin Capital letter R
1110 0000 340 224 E0 \ Backslash
1110 0010 342 226 E2 S Latin Capital letter S
1110 0011 343 227 E3 T Latin Capital letter T
1110 0100 344 228 E4 U Latin Capital letter U
1110 0101 345 229 E5 V Latin Capital letter V
1110 0110 346 230 E6 W Latin Capital letter W
1110 0111 347 231 E7 X Latin Capital letter X
1110 1000 350 232 E8 Y Latin Capital letter Y
1110 1001 351 233 E9 Z Latin Capital letter Z
1111 0000 360 240 F0 0 Digit Zero
1111 0001 361 241 F1 1 Digit One
1111 0010 362 242 F2 2 Digit Two
1111 0011 363 243 F3 3 Digit Three
1111 0100 364 244 F4 4 Digit Four
1111 0101 365 245 F5 5 Digit Five
1111 0110 366 246 F6 6 Digit Six
1111 0111 367 247 F7 7 Digit Seven
1111 1000 370 248 F8 8 Digit Eight
1111 1001 371 249 F9 9 Digit Nine