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Template:mIRC Guide

Playing music in mIRC is really a very simple process and is accomplished through the use of mIRC's /splay command.

Enabling mIRC Sounds

In order for you to be able to play music sounds must be enabled. You can do so by going to the option dialog (Alt+O) -> Sounds -> <check> Enable sounds. This will make sure that mIRC can play the sounds that you want.

Supported Media Formats

Below is a list of the supported media formats for use with the /splay command:

  • .wma
  • .mp3
  • .wav
  • .mid
  • .ogg


/splay -cwmpq [filename | stop | pause | resume | seek | skip] [pos]


  • w - Indicates that the file is a wave file.
  • m - Tells mIRC that the file is a midi file.
  • p - Lets mIRC know that the file is an MP3 file.
  • [filename] - The file name for the mIRC file.
  • [stop|pause|resume|seek|skip] - Allows further control over the media file; their titles are their respective functions. These are discussed, in more detail, further down.
  • [pos] - This optional parameter is used to point out the location in the music file. For example, if you wanted to start a music file at a specific point, you would use: /splay C:\My Music\Nickelback\Rockstar.mp3 1500


When you are ready to play a sound, you would simply use one of the following, basic commands:

/splay C:\Directory_To_Music_File\MusicFile.mp3

If the file is not in the mIRC directory, a full file path is required (quotes are not needed).

Music Playing, Now What?

After the music is playing, you have a few options available for manipulating the playback. If you are making a full Music Player, for example in a dialog form, these options are really helpful.

Playback Options

  • Pause - /splay pause is used to pause the playing music
  • Resume - /splay resume allows you to resume the paused music file.
  • Stop - /splay stop will stop the current music file.
  • Seek - /splay seek [pos] will go to a certain point in the music. Example: /splay seek 1000
  • Skip - /splay skip allows you to skip the currently playing music file.

Using -w,-m, or -p will allow you to use the file type switches to control only specific kinds of files. For example: /splay -w stop will stop only wave files.