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mirc/on events/on socklisten
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Revision as of 22:23, 23 July 2014 by Ouims (talk | contribs) (Examples)

The ON SOCKLISTEN event triggers when a connection is made on a listening socket created with /socklisten


ON <level>:SOCKLISTEN:<matchtext>:<commands>


<matchtext>The name of the socket you want event to trigger on.

<commands>The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.

Accepting a connection

Note: By design, you cannot prevent a socket from being accepted, as in, Windows accept the connection even before mIRC.

You can use /sockaccept <newsocket> to accept a socket, mIRC create the new socket.

Note: If a new connection occurs on a socket but there is no on socklisten event matching that socket, the connection is rejected.

Note: You should be checking for $sockerr before accepting the connection.


on *:socklisten:name:{
  if (!$sockerr) sockaccept myprefix $+ $ticks
  else {
    echo -s An error occured while trying to accept a connection: $sock($sockname).wsmsg


Added: mIRC v3.5
Added on: 07 Aug 1995
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this was the date of original functionality.
Further enhancements may have been made in later versions.

See Also