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Information for "amd/k6/amd-k6/300afr"

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Display titleAMD-K6/300AFR - AMD
Default sort keyAMD-K6/300AFR, AMD
Page length (in bytes)3,142
Page ID9845
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Page creatorDavid (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation20:09, 28 July 2016
Latest editorChippyBot (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit15:09, 13 December 2017
Total number of edits12
Total number of distinct authors3
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Facts about "AMD-K6/300AFR - AMD"
base frequency299.99 MHz (0.3 GHz, 299,990 kHz) +
bus rate66.66 MT/s (0.0667 GT/s, 66,660 kT/s) +
bus speed66.66 MHz (0.0667 GHz, 66,660 kHz) +
bus typeFSB +
clock multiplier4.5 +
core count1 +
core family5 +
core model7 +
core nameLittle Foot +
core voltage2.2 V (22 dV, 220 cV, 2,200 mV) +
core voltage tolerance5% +
cpuid570 +
designerAMD +
die area68 mm² (0.105 in², 0.68 cm², 68,000,000 µm²) +
familyK6 +
first announcedJanuary 1998 +
first launchedMarch 5, 1998 +
full page nameamd/k6/amd-k6/300afr +
has locked clock multiplierfalse +
instance ofmicroprocessor +
io voltage3.3 V (33 dV, 330 cV, 3,300 mV) +
io voltage tolerance5% +
l1d$ description2-way set associative +
l1d$ size32 KiB (32,768 B, 0.0313 MiB) +
l1i$ description2-way set associative +
l1i$ size32 KiB (32,768 B, 0.0313 MiB) +
ldateMarch 5, 1998 +
main imageFile:KL AMD K6 LittleFoot.jpg +
main image caption300AFR, Week 23, 1998 +
manufacturerAMD +
market segmentDesktop +
max case temperature343.15 K (70 °C, 158 °F, 617.67 °R) +
max cpu count1 +
max memory4,096 MiB (4,194,304 KiB, 4,294,967,296 B, 4 GiB, 0.00391 TiB) +
max storage temperature423.15 K (150 °C, 302 °F, 761.67 °R) +
microarchitectureK6 +
min case temperature273.15 K (0 °C, 32 °F, 491.67 °R) +
min storage temperature208.15 K (-65 °C, -85 °F, 374.67 °R) +
model numberAMD-K6/300AFR +
nameAMD-K6/300AFR +
part numberAMD-K6/300AFR +
power dissipation15.4 W (15,400 mW, 0.0207 hp, 0.0154 kW) +
process250 nm (0.25 μm, 2.5e-4 mm) +
seriesDesktop K6 +
smp max ways1 +
technologyCMOS +
thread count1 +
transistor count8,800,000 +
word size32 bit (4 octets, 8 nibbles) +